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My Background

Thanks for stopping by to check into The Re-Set Process! Let me share a little bit about me and my work.


I'm an educator whose career as a teacher, administrator, consultant, and staff developer has concentrated on supporting students who traditionally have been on the fringes of school success. I've been particularly focused on illuminating how trauma impacts brain development and functioning and the ways in which this knowledge should critically inform educational practice. My work has been in preschool through secondary settings as well as with families and service agencies.  Most recently, I have been consulting with human resources personnel on how to bring effective methods of coping with stress to the adult world.


I've shared what I have learned and practiced with thousands of educators through local, regional, state, and national staff development events. I'm thrilled that participants often react to my sessions by saying that I have made complex topics such as the neuroscience of trauma understandable and then have explicitly connected those concepts with practical educational methodologies. I hope that I always bring that skill to my consultations, workshops, and to my book.


Across the years, I've had the opportunity to consult in so many different schools - all with their unique gifts and challenges. It is through the relationships established with adults and students in those buildings that I have learned so much about meaningful supports and practices.  In my personal life, I have mentored adolescents who just needed some extra supports. I know it sounds cliche but it is absolutely true, they have taught me as much (if not more) than I ever taught them.


In 2018, after a long career in public education, I "retired" and formed my consulting company, Dyane Carrere Consulting, LLC, through which I have continued my work in the field of trauma-informed practices in schools. At the encouragement of educators with whom I have worked, I began writing the manuscript for The Re-Set Process: Trauma-Informed Behavior Strategies. I was most fortunate to have Wynne Kinder, M.Ed.  bring her unique mindfulness lens to the work. The manuscript interested several publishers rather quickly and found its home with Brookes Publishing. In these years of COVID, the Re-Set Process has extended its applicability to a much broader audience as so very many of us have needed methods to cope with the associated stressors and traumas.


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